Thursday, April 26, 2007

Back Ache? Pain? The answer is here...


Anonymous said...

Thats a good one - particularly since its the sort of picture that'll make occupational health and safety types I know throw a fit ;)

Anyway, before anyone complains here's something to counter it. I'm not associated with fotosearch btw. Its just what google spat up..

To add to the irony, there's an arrow on the painting pointing to the the right hand side figure's knees!

What's the context of the painting/poster/mural? Some sort of memorial? Has that style..

Anonymous said...

Just clicked on the image to view the larger image and saw that the painting IS some sort of safely thing (waiting for a law suit if it were elsewhere).

Dominic Sansoni said...

Hello Cerno, The picture was taken on the A9 road, Jaffna Peninsula. Right han side if heading north. I have forgotten exactly what the building was, it might have been a small hosipital or clinic. They had a series of these, each charming, each telling you how to make life better. I did document the lot, I must look for them. I am just sad the road is closed...