I have a brand new unused Leica D-Lux 3 for sale. It is silver and comes with a 2GB card. This is a superb little camera that takes 10 mega pixel RAW files, shoots movies and has this great 16:9 ratio. A link to the Leica web site is http://www.leica-camera.co.uk/photography/compact_cameras/d-lux_3/
Ok, why I am selling it..?. I have another one on it's way to me and that has a black body. So, the silver must be sold. I will sell it for the same price that I paid for it in Singapore. The exact price isRs.85,800/- which uncludes cost of case and 2 GB card). It's a gem, and it could be yours in a few hours time. Yes, it's in Colombo...