"The name of our plantation was Dikbedde which none of my British
friends could pronounce correctly. So, two years later, when my mother
gifted the estate to me, I decided to change the name. A novelist who
was a favourite of mine had named three country mansions ' Vantage',
'Usage' and 'Brief'. which tickled my fancy. The first sounded as if i
had taken advantage. Usage sounded awfully like a brothel. So
therefore, it had to be 'Brief', and still is"
"Being a man of leisure gave him the opportunity to associate with a
wide spectrum of people. He counted among his friends Royalty, as with
Ingrid, Queen of Denmark, and fellow travellers as with Nihal R. His
admiration of Sir John Kotelawala was no less fulsome as it was for
Donald Friend. He drank deeply of life, from crystal glass to broken
teacups; he ate frugally and also dined in splendour."
"The most endearing of his indulgences, was his highly discerning
taste for paintings and sculpture, for antique furniture - a taste he
shared with his brother, Geoffrey. But above all others, was his
garden. It was his canvas and he the master. There he created textures
of gentle green lawns and punctuated it with fountains of water
cascading down its slopes"
The book is on sale at the BAREFOOT BOOKSHOP in Colombo & Galle
Colombo Tel: 011 2589305 ext 203
Galle Fort: 0912226299
Hi Dominic
I checked with Barefoot in Colombo by email and then a visit and they said the book was out of stock and out of print. Haven't checked the Galle shop. Does the estate sell it?
Hi Dominic
I both checked with and visited Barefoot in Colombo but appears out of print and stock? I haven't checked on Galle yet. Kind regards Richard Thom
Hi There,
Please check with the estate at BRIEF. I fear it is out of print.
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