Saturday, March 28, 2009

EVENTS AT THE BAREFOOT GALLERY. Open Rehearsal on Monday the 30th and Film Club on Tuesday the 31st.

Monday 30th March at 7.15pm
The Chamber Music Society of Colombo and the BAREFOOT GALLERY present 4th in a series of Open Rehearsals. Come prepared for to watch and listen to live music in a work-in-progress format. Expect to see between three and six musicians of the Society at rehearsal involving both classical and contemporary approaches. 
We hope to weave this music into the cultural tapestry of Colombo's nightlife.

If it rains on the evening, we will move indoors. 

The Garden cafe will be open and dinner will be  available.

And yes, entrance is free!

And don't forget, 
BAREFOOT FILM CLUB NIGHT  - Tuesday 31st March 2009
we are showing
GONZO: The Life & Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.

1 comment:

sbarrkum said...

You may be unaware that "Gonzo" has another meaning, as in "Best Gonzo Release - The Gauntlet 3, Vouyer Media"
